Hysteroscopy Specialist
Women experiencing severe cramping, abnormal bleeding, and fertility issues all go through the same diagnostic procedure. It’s called a hysteroscopy, and it allows your OB/GYN at The Women’s Health Center in Fountain Valley, California, to see into your uterus and identify your condition without invasive surgery. For over 20 years, The Women’s Health Center has been providing quality and compassionate care in a safe and comfortable environment. Whatever you need, you’ll get the right care at the right time by calling The Women’s Health Center today.
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Hysteroscopy Q & A
What is a hysteroscopy?
A hysteroscopy is a procedure that enables your doctor to see directly into your uterus. A hysteroscopy is a type of endoscopy: A procedure where an instrument with visual capability is inserted into your body to examine it internally, without incisions. With technical advances of miniaturization and fiber optics, a hysteroscope helps doctors detect endometrial polyps, fibroids, scar tissue, and genetic anomalies that can make it difficult for a woman to become pregnant.
A hysteroscopy can also include a variety of procedures to resolve other reproductive health problems.
What happens during a hysteroscopy?
As with other gynecological exams, you’ll lie on you back on the exam table with your feet in stirrups. For diagnosis and biopsies, you’ll receive local anesthesia, but for surgical removal of polyps, scar tissue, fibroids, endometrial ablation, and other complex procedures, you’ll need general anesthesia.
Your doctor will first insert a speculum into your vagina to dilate it so there’s room for the hysteroscope. Then the hysteroscope (a thin tube) is inserted through the cervix and into your uterus. A salt solution is used to expand the uterus for better viewing, allowing the doctor to visually inspect it. The doctor will also inspect your fallopian tubes to see if they’re unobstructed.
At this point in the hysteroscopy, the surgeon will insert other instruments through the tube to biopsy, burn, or excise growths to complete any other necessary procedures, including:
Removing endometrial polyps
Removing fibroids
Performing an endometrial lining biopsy
Removing a lost IUD
Destroying the uterine lining to stop heavy menstrual bleeding (endometrial ablation)
What is the recovery time for hysteroscopy?
Your recovery time will vary depending on the treatments being performed. A hysteroscopy for diagnosis and biopsy will require little recovery time, although there may be some light bleeding for a few days.
If your procedure involves addressing conditions, such as fibroid removal or endometrial ablation, you’ll have a longer recuperation time. Your doctor will discuss this with you before the procedure, though.